Stories about Yoga, Lifestyle and living in a magical place in Palma, Spain. 

How to convert percentages into milligrams of CBD and dosage guide

How to convert percentages into milligrams of CBD and dosage guide

Many people wonder about this and what it means. The easiest conversion is when a bottle is a 10ml size. For example, our lowest 3% high-quality CBD means there is 300mg of CBD in 10ml bottle. Just take away the two 0's to get the percentage. So our 5% CBD in a 10ml would be 500mg or 5% of CBD per 1ml or 2.5MG of CBD per drop.

Plastic free July

By Nina Hoogstraate

This month we're part-taking in Plastic Free July, an initiative that started in Western Australia in 2011. Aside from raising awareness about the toxicity of plastic, it’s a great way of challenging yourself and your community to change the way you buy and consume things.

Plastic free July
Sea Yogi // Bali teacher training blog post

Eat, pray & breathe in to your pelvis

by Nina Hoogstraate

Let me first start off by saying it took me at least 2 years of research and mulling to decide on a 200 hour yoga teacher training. The entire process is super overwhelming, especially if you don't have a specific teacher that you would like to study with. 

My 5 Favourite Yoga Books

By Nina Nogulic

Yoga is so much more than asana and to truly dig deeper into your practice, reading books about yoga can be of great help. Classics like the Bhagavad Gita and The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are a great place to start, but here are five more books that I keep going back to.

Sea Yogi - Five best yoga books - online yoga shop Mallorca


One of the first things we thought about, when we decided to open our online yoga shop in Spain, was how to make it as ethical as possible.  We felt that our yoga store should give back to communities in need as well, which is how we came up with the idea of donating 5% of our profit to causes that were important to us.