Many individuals are doing what they can. But real success can only come if there is a change in our societies and in our economics and in our politics.
-- David Attenborough
In heart we are travellers, yogis, divers, sailors and part of the conscious community of planet Earth. We believe that as consumers, we have an immense power in terms of how we choose to spend. By supporting smaller companies who produce their merchandise in a sustainable and eco friendly way, we contribute towards a shift in production processes of bigger companies as well. Production, when done consciously and through ethical practices, feeds people and develops communities.
As a yogi, you take great care of how your body, what you put in it and people you surround yourself with. This is Ahimsa at it's core. We want this consciousness to include what you wear as well.
Majority of our leggings, bras and towels are made from recycled plastic bottles, eco mats made from non Amazonian rubber with a careful production process that does not pollute waters and reduces waste going to landfills. We do not work with brands who harm the environment, use toxic materials in their production or exploit factory workers to increase profits.
We are on a mission to reduce the mindless single use of plastic in our community and are always on the search for products that help achieve this. Having seen firsthand on our travels and beautiful island home how polluted even the remotest areas are, we refuse to contribute to this with our business.
Palma De Mallorca is set to introduce a plastic bag ban from 2018, we are embracing this ban and as such will only offer recycled paper bags and fabric tote bags in our boutique, we would of course much prefer you use your existing bag if you are happy to do so. We ship in 100% Earth Friendly recycled, reusable poly mailers and use recycled paper where possible.
We always strongly encourage our customers to use plastic mindfully.
Ethical banking
Sea Yogi will only work with ethical banks as part of their business. We've chosen Triodos Bank as they invest into green and social projects. They also claim to carry internal ethical practices so as always we will monitor all our partners.
Charity work
Sea Yogi will donate to non-profit organisations which encourage sustainability. As divers, sailors and Mediterranean habitants our connection to the sea and marine life is strong and therefore our focus will be in the reduction of plastic waste and marine conservation either through direct profit donation (see our Charities page) or by volunteering.
Please do send us suggestions on how we can be more sustainable at
We're happy to take onboard positive or negative feedback and will do our best to adapt.